I got this enchanting ball of cobweb yarn from the sale bin at Webs two years ago, thinking I'd find a perfect leafy lace shawl pattern for it, but worried in the back of my mind that I pretty much never like the way lace looks in multicolor, even with really long gradual color changes like this. Finally, realizing that I just love the colors in this yarn and the way it looks in the ball, with hunks of color right up against each other, I'm going simple. Size 1 needles, 30 sts to a block, garter stitch entrelac (which keeps the colors feeling distinct and also more mixed than a straight pattern would). Loving it every bit as much as the ball of yarn (more, probably, since I'm now imagining tying it casually at my neck to compliment a pair of jodhpurs and a fitted corduroy coat, neither of which I own nor would probably wear more than once... let's hope it looks good with a t-shirt). The colors are a bit off here, the pink isn't so bright really! And there's a certain amount of brown. Basically, the palette looks like it was lifted from the most beautiful photo of fall leaves you can imagine.