Fiber Farm Tour!

Among the awesome things about the Seattle area — there are fiber events seemingly all the time.  Why not pack the whole family in the car and spend the day doing the Jefferson County Fiber Farm Tour?

The first stop was Ananda Hills Farm, where we got to help needlefelt letters onto a  banner for the newly formed Pacific Northwest Fiber Web (so new it doesn't even have a website yet!).  My son loved it until he jabbed his thumb with the needle by accident.  I think he'd be willing to try it again, though.

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There was indigo in process at Bellwether Gardens, machine carding demonstrations at Taylored Fibers, llamas and alpacas (making the funniest "humming" noises!) at Rosebud Fiber Studio, gorgeous yarn and very nice people at Amity Fiber (really wish I'd taken a picture!), and fun places to play at Compass Rose Farms.

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We all had fun (although the kids were worn out by stop 6 and refused to get out of the car) and it was really interesting to see more of the country outside the city.  Wonderful fiber being made and worked out here!
