I've just started knitting a Hamlin Peak for myself, inspired by a knitter who wrote to me for advice on changing the gauge of it using Knittrick! And I'm knitting it from a beautiful handspun I lucked into at my guild's stash swap last year.
It's a BFL 2-ply by Sandi Spins. I don't think she has a website, so if you'd like contact info, email me!
It has long color runs and, being a handspun, isn't totally predictable, so I (wisely?) decided to take some advice I gathered somewhere along the way that alternating skeins would be a good idea to break up the colors.
I was partway into this plan when I remembered the last time I did this and how hard it was to remember which skein I should be using when, since you end up with a working yarn at both ends of the piece and if you're using a cable needle... Well, it gets confusing.
But the repeating row note feature of Knitamus was a huge help here. I made a 4-row repeat like so:
I don't think it's really going to be 803 rows! But I'll just stop when I'm done. (And, yeah, I need to plug in!)
And now I'm very sure where I should be and which end I should be working every time, even if I don't have time to get through more than one row in one sitting!